In 2020, the Badur Foundation initiated an innovative new programme to further enhance the support provided to its current and former partners. The initiative is especially timely as organisations grapple with the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of the Resilience pilot programme is to provide complex and tailored organisational development for charities working with marginalised communities in the fields of education and development, to improve the quality of life of their beneficiaries.
The intended overall outcome of the programme is to foster more resilient organisations, which can optimise their ways of working in a changing environment in order to effectively achieve their social impact. The opportunity to participate in the first round of the programme was offered to current and former partners of the Foundation by invitation.
The course of the programme:
The structure of the programme:
The programme consists of a workshop phase and a development phase.During the workshop phase, organisations participate in different workshops and form their development plan. This phase is implemented by the Badur Foundation in collaboration with the Flow Foundation.
In the development phase, organisations receive customised professional and financial support tailored to their needs and work towards the goals set in their development plan. The implementation of the development plan is a 2-year process, with an additional 1-year follow-up.
Organisations participating in the workshop phase were:
- Csodaműhely Egyesület (Wonderworkshop Association)
- Mahájána Foundation
- Tűzcsiholó Egyesület (Firestarter Association)
- No Bad Kid/Pressley Ridge Foundation
- Kreatív Partnerség (Creative Partnerships Hungary)
The workshop phase:
Over the course of 2021, five organisations had the opportunity to participate in 7 workshops, 4 of which were held online. During the 10-day holistic training programme the teams deepened their understanding in the following areas:
With the help of practical assignments, the teams are better able to address organisational challenges and define areas of development. In addition, each team received vital individual support by pro bono mentors and the whole training process was supported by an online learning platform, Promote®.
At the end of the workshop phase, the organisations presented their diagnoses and development plan to the Trustees of the Badur Foundation. On 24th November 2021, Badur Trustees reviewed the plans and approved further financial and professional support for the following organisations:
- Csodaműhely Egyesület (Wonderworkshop Association)
- Mahájána Foundation
- Tűzcsiholó Egyesület (Firestarter Association)
- Kreatív Partnerség (Creative Partnerships Hungary)
The development phase:
In the second phase of the programme, the above 4 organisations will receive customised professional and financial support tailored to their development plans and needs. The capacity building period covers 2 years, from January 2022 to December 2023. During the second year, Trustees will reaffirm the support to each individual organisation based on the results of the first year.