Working with Lego Robots offers a way to develop a diverse skillset (basic programming skills, along with logical thinking, maths and problem-solving skills) using play. Unfortunately, access to this activity is often limited to the privileged. The Association of Roma Minority Representatives and Spokespeople of Nógrád County would like change that and offer Lego Robotics workshops to disadvantaged young people, to develop their skillsets in a complex manner.
The Association operates in three sites and has run an afterschool programme for disadvantaged young people for over 20 years. Their mission is to promote the educational advancement of vulnerable young people and thereby increase their chances of a better life.
The Association strives to apply innovative pedagogical methods to offer the best learning experience for their target group. As their newest innovation, they would like to organise weekly Lego Robotics workshops with trained IT mentors on each of their sites.
In order to run these workshops effectively, one LEGO set is needed per two young people. The Association has enough resources for four sets and sought support for the purchase of additional sets. The Foundation awarded a grant for two additional sets – this way the Association can pilot the workshops by rotating their equipment from site to site. In addition, the Foundation will provide professional support to help the Association further its fundraising efforts to acquire more sets. Eventually, the Association aims to have six sets per site so they can consistently deliver the work to approximately 36 young people.
Throughout the process, the Association will monitor the effectiveness of the programme and its impact on the skills development of the young people. After the pilot, the Association seeks to modify the educational curriculum of their existing afterschool network, so that the LEGO workshops can continue to run beyond the pilot term.
Photo credit (Creative Commons): Jason Leung and Alena Darmel