Based in Newcastle, Denton Youth and Community Project is an active community hub, offering a range of support services for local people, including youth work and community activities for all ages.
Denton Youth and Community Project (DYCP), was established in October 2000 following an extensive community-wide consultation exercise. The consultation was carried out by members of the local church following a sustained period of anti-social behaviour issues, resulting in damage to the church and church hall windows. It became clear that young people felt there weren’t enough services in the area for them to engage in or activities to divert their energies. They also felt that there weren’t enough services for people of all ages.
DYCP therefore aims to inspire and support children, young people and their families to achieve their full potential. The project seeks to empower participants to raise their self-esteem, confidence and aspirations so that in turn they enhance their life experience, contributing to them being full and active citizens.
Although DYCP has a focus on young people, it provides activities for all age groups and aims to bring generations together across the area. The project offers a weekly programme during term time and exciting holiday programmes during the summer and other holiday periods. It also serves as a drop in for people to access information and advice on a range of issues.
DYCP's service is fully inclusive – no-one is excluded for any reason and everyone is valued as an individual. Their values are:
To be responsive: – driven by the ideas, needs and desires of project users.
To facilitate achievement: – supporting people to achieve their goals, to improve their physical and mental well-being and to play a full and active role in society.
The team run a number of junior and senior youth sessions, an after-school club, a mature action group and a weekly lunch club. The lunch club is open to anyone to come along for a healthy, home cooked meal and the opportunity to socialise with others.
Sessions for children and young people include sports and games, cookery, arts & crafts, project-based work and an opportunity to make friends in a friendly and welcoming environment. Throughout the year the team also run various trips, visits and residentials as part of regular and holiday activity programmes.
The Badur Foundation provided support towards staff salaries and activity costs, in order to help the organisation with financial stability as it looks to build the longer-term development of its services.