Since 2012, Wonderworkshop Association (Csodaműhely Egyesület) has supported Csobánka’s highly disadvantaged community. The overarching aim is to improve their quality of life and give them tools and support to achieve their goals.
In response to problems arising from poverty, racism, and deficiencies in the education system, the Association has developed a complex programme reaching different age groups who wish to enhance, complete or continue their education. This includes children aged 0-6 and their mothers, school-aged children, and adults. In addition, the Association has an ongoing dialogue with vital stakeholders such as local community members and other professionals working with the same target group.
The Foundation has followed the activities of the Association for a long time and supported several of its programmes (Adult education pilot programme, Community assistants programme, and participation in the Resilience programme).
As the number of children and families reached by the Association grew, its venue simply became too small to accommodate all of their participants. Given the strong and consistent social impact of the Association, the Foundation was delighted to support the purchase and refurbishment of a new building that can host all of the Association’s programmes. Not only is the new venue more spacious, its location is also more advantageous. By being located closer to the community the Association serves, the children and other community members can access the community space and the programmes more easily.
The building needed to undergo a major renovation, and this resulted in unprecedented support and engagement. The local community was the first to step up and take ownership of the project. Local men and women– mainly parents of children attending the afterschool- spent countless hours on the refurbishment of the building. In addition, volunteer ambassadors organised successful fundraising campaigns, a well-known singer supported the cause with a charity concert, several companies donated building materials and professional carpenters volunteered their time to renovate the roof.
After the renovation was completed, the children and young people happily took possession of the new community space.