In 2020, Badur Foundation launched the latest round of its Social Enterprise Development Programme, which supports organisations and informal teams working in impoverished communities to develop viable and sustainable social enterprise ideas, or to improve their existing social enterprise to reach long-term sustainability. The programme is carried out in partnership with SIMPACT.
The Call for Application was launched in January 2020 and 29 applications were received. After a thorough assessment of the applications including field visits, Badur selected the participants of the Programme and commissioned SIMPACT to provide four-months of training focusing on idea generation, validation and business planning. Due to COVID-19, delivery of the training sessions was delayed until September 2020 and they were held online.
Participants of the training phase were:
Fortély-sátor Alapítvány (Tricky-tent Foundation)
Találj Magadra Egyesület (Find Yourself Association)
Alapítvány az Autista Gyerekekért, ALAUTI (Foundation For Autistic Children)
Jamba Hungary Alapítvány (Jamba Hungary Foundation)
InDaHouse Hungary Egyesület (InDaHouse Hungary Association)
Regionális Civil Központ Alapítvány, RECIK (Regional Civil Centre Foundation)
The structure of the programme is as follows:
During the training phase, 13 online training sessions were held to help teams structure and evaluate their business ideas using core elements of the Business Model Canvas. In addition, each team received vital individual support by pro bono mentors. At the end of the training period, the organisations presented their business concepts and Badur selected the most promising social enterprise ideas to participate in the tailored mentoring phase.
Selected teams were:
Fortély-sátor Alapítvány (Tricky-tent Foundation)
Találj Magadra Egyesület (Find Yourself Association)·
Alapítvány az Autista Gyerekekért, ALAUTI (Foundation For Autistic Children)
InDaHouse Hungary Egyesület (InDaHouse Hungary Association)
During the mentoring phase, the teams worked directly with their mentor and Badur Foundation for four months to finetune their business model. Teams presented their business plans in June 2021. Badur Trustees approved further financial and/or professional support for each organisation. Developing the contract terms and conditions is in progress.